Get copywriting clarity!
You’re a difference-maker with something truly amazing to tell your tribe about
You have a new offering that’s almost ready for release… and you know it’s going to change people’s lives. You’ve spent weeks – maybe even months – working on it. You’ve put in late nights and early mornings to get it perfect, and make sure it helps your perfect clients to the absolute best of your ability.
Perhaps you’re launching a new programme. Or introducing a new 1:1 service. You might even be creating (or revamping) an entire website. Either way, you’re wracking your brains, struggling to answer the same essential question: “How do you actually TELL people about it?”
You know you need copywriting support… you’re just not sure what…

Maybe you just don’t have time to do all the copywriting yourself. Or you know your writing skills aren’t as sharp as they need to be. Regardless, nothing you put into words comes close to capturing the awesomeness of your offer without sounding… let’s face it… hype-y.
You know you need help, but you’re not sure what kind – let alone where to get it from.
That’s exactly what a “Make Your Message Crystal Clear” session will help you figure out
A free no-obligation 60-minute “Make Your Message Crystal Clear” discovery consult will help you figure out exactly which steps you need to take next. In it, I’ll ask you in-depth questions that will help you clarify:
- what the project you’re working on needs to achieve
- different ways to to make that happen
- the best way forward for you
If I’m the best person to help you with it, I’ll explain exactly what I can offer you. If I’m not? I’ll let you know up front, and either recommend someone else, or point you in another direction. Trust me: I’m only interested in working together if we’re genuinely a great fit (my inner introvert is pretty firm on that).
IMPORTANT! You’ll get the most out of a Make Your Message Crystal Clear session if…
- Your offering is either finished and ready to go now, or very nearly there
- You’re already crystal clear about exactly who it’s meant for, and what it does for them
- You know what those people are struggling with, and what they want instead
- You have some idea of how this offering fits in with everything else you do
(Note: if you’re not sure of any of those things, I can recommend a couple of excellent marketing strategists!)
Why are the Make Your Message Crystal Clear discovery sessions free?
My ad hoc copywriting rate is $US125/hour, so at the very least, a Make Your Message Crystal Clear session should cost $US125.
However, helping you figure out what you need and whether I’m the right person to help you get it is way more important to me than making a little quick cash. Besides, until we’ve actually connected, how can you know whether you’ll want to work with me or not?
So. For both of these reasons, I’m offering no-obligation Make Your Message Crystal Clear sessions totally free.
BUT. I only have 3 client project slots available each month.
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